Friday, February 24, 2012

BodyRock is Back on! Day 2


Alright guys, I made it to day 2!
To be honest, I'm not doing the February challenge, since I started so late in February...but I am doing the BodyRock workouts!

Yesterday I worked out in the morning, then straightened up the house some, got some school work done, did laundry, and then had to meet a friend before class.

When I got back home, we went for an 8 mile bike ride!  Not long for road biking, but an excellent workout for us considering we haven't ridden longer distances since last year...

Now that it's warming up, we hope to ride more often and hopefully on the weekends.

Got work this morning, but my sister and her boyfriend are coming in from out of town and spending the weekend!  We are pretty excited to meet him, and I haven't seen her since Christmas, and miss her dearly.

Gonna be an awesome weekend!

Continue Rocking your Body!  Share you progress with me!  Let's keep each other motivated!

12 minutes a day?
If I can't do that, what can I do???

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I have been gone for FAR too long....not exercising, but rather eating pretty poorly in regards to eating the sweets that we've been allowing in our home lately....

Balance wise, my meals are pretty healthy, but I'm also been uncontrollably hungry lately...I'm talking CANNOT get full!  I think part of this is that I haven't really done any exercise at all in the past two to three weeks.

On sunday, Daniel and I went for a spontaneous bike ride for a few almost killed me, but I felt awesome.

I hope that the weather is nicer next week and this weekend so that we can do more of that!

So, here I am, and here I go, starting back on BodyRock.
I'm not going to post pictures, because I think I gained some fat since last I posted

For the first time, the part of my body that I am least happy with are my arms, which is also partly due to the fact that I haven't played drums as much in the last year :( Not enough time in the day, people, I'm telling you!

I'm going to have to figure out a way to continually motivate myself!  

Do you guys have any ideas?

Have you done your BodyRock today??


Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 2 - Watch my Body HURT!


Just got done with Day 2 of Week 1 of the BodyRock 30 Day Challenge!

Because I don't have a timer, I use the Online Stopwatch!

I hurt my knee pretty bad yesterday, and on the way to school it REALLY hurt when I was putting pressure on it, so I was hoping that the pain from the pressure was a bruise...

Turns out it was...a pretty big ugly bruise....but at least it's not something serious!
I've always had pretty sensitive knees, so I have to watch them when I get on a workout kick...
I've been wearing my brace the past two days during workouts and I wore it last night as well just to give it some extra support.

Had an intense day of work, but I love it, and I love getting to have lunch with my luff during the week!  I don't get to see him at all during the day, sometimes not until 6 o'clock or later...(some nights 8 or 9).

I have to stay inspired, and BodyRock does it for me!
Again, if you are on a fitness journey of your own, share with me your story, progress, and results!

I took my measurements today, and will post them in comparison with my results (when I get some results, that is!)

Weekends are active rest days, but the hubz and I might be doing an intense bike ride tomorrow!

Stay active, and healthy! It's easy to make a bad eating decision, we all do it, but I know how good I feel when I make the right ones!
This weekend, I'm going to make an extra effort to choose the HEALTHY options over the TASTY ones.

Happy weekend!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 1

Day 1 of my BodyRock Challenge!

I discovered BodyRock TV about a year ago on YouTube, but never really tried any of the workouts....they looked a bit intense for me.

This morning I was looking around for some inspiration to get me up and moving, and ran across BodyRock TV again, and got a whole lot of inspiration from their BodyRockers section of before and afters!
Incredible results from all different body types, ages, male and female, all over the world!